I understand that Roaring Fork Energy Enhancement supports the natural wellness of the body, mind, and soul.
Roaring Fork Energy Enhancement facilitators do not diagnose conditions, prescribe medical treatment, substances, or interfere with licensed medical professionals.
The energy sessions provided do not replace medical care, and it is recommended to consult a licensed physician for any physiological or psychological ailment.
Energy sessions can complement existing medical or psychological care.
The body's ability to heal may benefit from complete relaxation during energy sessions.
Long-term imbalances may require multiple sessions for the body to heal itself.
Roaring Fork Energy Enhancement is not liable for medical, mental, or emotional conditions before, during, or after any session.
I take full responsibility for my well-being and choices.
I, along with heirs, guardians, legal representatives, release and discharge any claims against Roaring Fork Energy Enhancement and associates.
I am responsible for any loss or injury incurred while associated with Roaring Fork Energy Enhancement and associates.
I have carefully read and fully understand this waiver and release of liability.
I acknowledge that signing this contract is of my own free will.